A Guide to Australian Grassfinches
Author: Russell Kingston
80 pages ISBN: 0958710228The popularity of
Australian Grassfinches worldwide is largely due to the hardiness of
these tiny, gregarious and colorful birds. The 18 members of the
Grassfinch family Estrildae recognised in Australia are featured in
detail. Diagrams indicating visual differences and some 160 colored
photographs support the 80 pages of text. A must for every finch
breeders library.
Introduction, Management, Nutrition, Housing, Compatibility, Methods
of Regulating the Breeding Season, Fledging and Weaning, Fostering,
Color Mutations, Common Health Problems, Diagrams.
Beautiful Firetail Finches, Black-throated Grassfinches - White-rumped,
Black-rumped, Blue-faced Parrot Finches, Chestnut-breasted Munias,
Crimson Finches - Black-bellied, White-bellied, Diamond Firetail
Finches, Double-barred Finches - White-rumped, Black-rumped, Gouldian
Finches - Black-headed, Red-headed, Yellow-headed, Long-tailed
Grassfinches - Yellow-billed, Red-billed, Masked Grassfinches -
White-eared, Painted Firetail Finches, Pictorella Munias, Plumheaded
Finches, Red-browed Finches - Lesser Red-browed Finches, Red-eared
Firetail Finches, Star Finches - Eastern, Western, Yellow-rumped
Munias, Zebra Finches.
A Guide to Colour Mutations and Genetics in Parrots
This title, that has taken Australian author, Dr
Terry Martin BVSc, some five years to complete, is the most
definitive, collective work ever attempted on this intriguing and
contentious subject. Drawing on information from specialist parrot
mutation breeders from all over the world, Terry Martin has collated
over 700 colour photographs in this 296 page soft and hard
cover title within text that is both approachable and easily
Presented in three parts, the author takes the reader through a
comfortable and absorbing introduction to understanding the basic
principals of mutations and colour genetics in the first two parts.
The information has been supported throughout with a plethora of
colour photography resulting in a highly digestible and understandable
journey. Part three is for the adventurous, being the technical
manifest of genetics in parrots.
Part 1
- Understanding Mutations
- Understanding Basic Genetics
- Establishment of New Mutations
- Primary Colour Mutations
- Key to Naming Mutations
Part 2
- Combinations of Mutations
Part 3
- Scientific Investigation of Colour Morphs
- Loci for Colour in Parrots
- Index of Primary Mutations by Species
Over 80 species of parrot are discussed with numerous
examples of breeding outcomes to assist the breeder in understanding
how various mutations can be bred and developed. The underlying
objective throughout this book is Terry's attempt to standardise the
naming of colour mutations internationally. All in all a compelling
read that will undoubtedly stand the test of time and become a major
reference source for many years to come.
A Guide to Macaws as Pet and Aviary Birds
Author: Rick Jordan
136 pages ISBN: 0957702493
Recognized internationally as one of the world's most accomplished
and talented aviculturists, published author and speaker, Rick Jordan
has produced the perfect companion for anybody interested in macaws,
be it as a pet or as breeders.
Featuring spectacular full color photography throughout, this 136
page soft cover title is packed with valuable and highly useable
Set out in three sections:
Section 1: Breeding Macaws (including
aviary design and construction, nutrition, breeding, incubation and
handrearing, diseases and disorders).
Section 2: Macaws as Pets and Companion
Birds (including housing, feeding, health aspects, behavioural
Section 3: Species: Blue
and Gold Macaw, Scarlet Macaw, Buffon's Macaw, Military Macaw,
Green-Winged Macaw, Red-Fronted Macaw, Hyacinth Macaw, Blue-Throated
Macaw, Severe Macaw, Red-Bellied Macaw, Illiger's Macaw,
Yellow-Collared Macaw, Blue-Headed Macaw, Red-Shouldered (Hahn's)
Macaw, Red-Shouldered (Noble's) Macaw. Captive Rarities:
Spix's Macaw, Lear's Macaw. Gone Forever: Glaucous
Macaw, Cuban Macaw.
A Guide to Pigeons, Doves and Quail
Author: Dr Danny Brown
184 pages ISBN: 0646230581
A world first in aviculture, this title covers all
species in this group available to the Australian aviculturist.
Stunning color photography throughout is supported by precise,
easy-to-read information on the care, management, health and breeding
of these unique birds.
Housing, Feeding Methods and Nutrition, Catching, Handling and
Transporting, Reproductive Manipulation Techniques, Choosing your
Stock, Making the most of your Avian Veterinarian, Common Diseases and
Disorders, Administration of Medication.
Pigeons and Doves - Wompoo Pigeon, Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove,
Purple-crowned Fruit-Dove, Torres Strait Pigeon, Topknot Pigeon,
White-headed Pigeon, Wonga Pigeon, Green-winged Pigeon, Brown Pigeon,
Common Bronzewing, Brush Bronzewing, Crested Pigeon, Flock Pigeon,
Squatter Pigeon, Partridge Pigeon, Spinifex Pigeon, Rock Pigeon,
Diamond Dove, Peaceful Dove, Bar-shouldered Dove, Barbary Dove,
Spotted Turtledove, Senegal Dove, Ruddy Turtledove, Masked Dove,
Talpacoti Dove, Bleeding Heart Pigeon, New Guinea Ground Dove, Nicobar
Pigeon, Victoria Crowned Pigeon.
Quail - Brown, King, Stubble, Japanese, Bobwhite, Californian,
Little Button, Painted Button, Black-breasted Button, Red-chested
Button, Red-backed Button.
A Guide to Rosellas and their Mutations
Author: ABK Publications
80 pages ISBN: 0958745552This full
color title features the general management, care and breeding of the
Platycercus genus. Breeding expectations including genetic tables and
mutations are discussed for each species and their subspecies.
Beautiful photography throughout.
General Management, Acquiring Stock, Feeding, Sprouting, Breeding,
Sexing, Genetic Tables and Diseases.
Eastern, Tasmanian Eastern, Golden-mantled, Pale-headed, Blue-cheeked,
Northern, Kimberley Northern, Western, Red-backed Western, Crimson,
Northern Crimson, Yellow, Adelaide and Tasmanian Rosella and their
mutations. |
This title features 96 pages of easy-to-read, highly
informative text, including all currently recognized Australian Color
Varieties on these internationally popular endemic birds. Full color
throughout, this book is a must for any Zebra Finch enthusiast.
History and Ecology, Housing, Feeding, Health, Choosing and Acquiring
Brood Stock, Preparing Birds for Exhibitions, Science and the Zebra
Finch, Federation Show Standard: A Critique, Australian Color
Varieties: Their History and Origins.
A Guide to Basic Health & Disease in Birds
(Revised Edition)
by Dr.
Michael J. Cannon
its first publication in 1996, this book has proven to be one of the
most sought after and respected titles worldwide in this generic range
of avian publications. The author's devotion and concern for all
aspects of avian health and husbandry have again been reflected in
this revised edition. Chapters include Why Do Birds Get Sick?, So You
Have a Sick Bird, How Do I Know if my Bird is Sick?, Signs of Illness,
How to do a Physical Examination, How to Make Your Visit to the
Veterinarian More Successful, First Aid, Purchasing Your First Bird,
Annual Health Examination for Pet Birds, Hints on Keeping Birds in
Captivity, How to Set Up a Quarantine Program, Medicating Birds, Bird
Restraint, Common Problems, Infectious Diseases, Exotic Diseases,
Non-Infectious Diseases, List of Common Diseases According to the
Species, Post-Mortem Examination for the Aviculturist, Antibiotics in
Aviculture, Avian Parasite Control, Psittacosis, and Disinfection.
112 pp. ISBN: 0957702450
Published: 2003
Illustrations: Color photos and black/white photos, drawings, and
Binding: Paperback
6.5" x 9.25"

Handbook of Birds, Cages & Aviaries
This colorful A4 size handbook provides a complete
overview to the selection, keeping, management and care of both pet
and aviary birds from individual pets to larger aviary complexes. A
must for the novice and serious aviculturist and all pet bird owners.
Choosing your Bird, Choosing and Keeping Pet Birds, Housing and
Keeping Aviary Birds, Aviary Design, Construction and Management,
Plantscaping your Aviary, Nutrition and Feeding, Breeding and
Husbandry, General Management and Health and Disease Aspects.
For information on contents ... |
The Canary Handbook
by Dr. Matthew M. Vriends & Tayna M. Heming-Vriends
The canary, the most popular songbird among pet owners,
comes in a wide range of colors and varieties. This book offers
detailed information on the housing, feeding, health care, and general
care of canaries.
Pages: 176 pp. ISBN: 0764117602
Published: 2001
Illustrations: Color photos
Binding: Paperback
Size: 6.5" x 7.875
Colored, Type & Song Canaries:
A Complete Guide to Keeping, Breeding, and Showingby
G.B.R. Walker
A complete guide to the keeping breeding, and showing
of type and colored canaries. Includes information on canary
management and breeding techniques, nutrition, diseases, inheritance,
hybrids, and experimental pairings of song canaries.
Pages: 368 pp. ISBN: 0966088700
Published: 1999
Illustrations: Color photos by Dennis Avon
Binding: Hardcover
Feather and Brush
Author: Penny Olsen
227 pages ISBN: 06 4306547 4
With the growing awareness of the popularity of bird art, this book
is a timely presentation of artists who have, or have had, an interest
in Australian ornithology. In the preface, Penny Olsen states that her
aim was to place wildlife artists working today in context by
presenting a potted history of Australian natural history art relating
to birds. It is really three books rolled into one: that is, a
treatise on the history of those who painted or sketched Australian
birds, a look at the contemporary artists who use Australian birds as
a theme, and a well-illustrated coffee table book with which to
impress your friends.
The book is presented in two sections, the first part being a
historical record of bird artists and their art dating from the 1700s.
Some are illustrations and incidental entries into diaries and
travelogues during voyages of discovery and exploration. The early
history is fascinating reading.
The second part of the book profiles 34 contemporary artists, many
of whom consider themselves simply as artists rather than wildlife or
natural history artists. There is a short biography on each, outlining
their background, interests and aims with regard to their art. This is
illustrated with two or three examples of their work. These short
biographical notes are enjoyable reading as they are based on the
writings of the artists themselves. Hence they contain much concerning
the outlook and philosophy behind the artwork.
It is easy to read and well presented in hard cover with dust
jacket, containing more than 250 images representing 100 different
artists. This glorious collection is sure to I am sure, lead to a
greater appreciation of artists, both past and present, and the superb
birds that inhabit Australia. |

Feathered Phonics Vol1 |
Feathered Phonics Vol2
Just purchased your new best friend? Haven't got the time to spend
teaching your companion parrot the finer points of the English
language? Problem solved!
Feathered Phonics has released a series of CDs to assist pet
parrot owners to teach their bird to talk, whistle and sing.
Volume 1 features 96 words and phrases including: Hello, Goodbye, I
Love You, Pretty Bird, Thank You, My Name is ... plus many, many more.
Both male and female voices have been used to accommodate all pet bird
Volume 2 features songs, tunes, whistles and rhymes, with over 48
different pieces recorded in voice and whistled tunes. Your bird will
be a singing (whistling) sensation in no time with this jam-packed CD
of great musical hits.
The audio tracks have a spacer that allows a 10 second lapse to occur.
By using the memory feature on your CD player, you can use the
additional spacer tracks supplied with each CD to allow more time for
each word or song. You can also program tracks together to create many
A great idea and training aid for any pet bird owner.
Finch & Sparrows, Guide
by Peter Clement
comprehensive guide to the world's 290 species of finches and sparrows
covers identification, description, geographical variation, voice,
status, habitat, behavior, distribution and seasonal ranges,
movements, and measurements. Includes most variations by age and sex,
and many subspecies.
500 pp. ISBN: 0691048789
The Flying Vet’s Pigeon Health and Management
Author: Dr Colin Walker
190 pages ISBN: 1 8766779 1 0
This hardcover (with dust jacket) 321 page full color title presents a
veterinary guide to health control, medication use and the development
of race fitness for the competitive pigeon fancier and is supported by
285 color plates. This excellent title is a compulsory reference for
all racing pigeon fanciers. In fact it has recently been added to the
compulsory reading list for Post Graduate Veterinary students.
Keeping and Breeding Finches and Seed-eaters
Author: Russell Kingston
526 pages ISBN: 0958561206
Produced in attractive hard bound format with over 240 color plates,
this title is literally packed with valuable hands on experience
supported with beautiful color and black and white photography, line
drawings and distribution maps of each species covered. Set out in 14
chapters, the first seven chapters cover Preparation and Stock
Acquisition, Housing, Husbandry, Breeding, Ethology and Nutrition and
Health. Chapters 8-13 are devoted to some 70 exotic and foreign
species of finches and seed-eaters kept in Australian aviculture and
includes text on description, habitat, visual sexing techniques, color
mutations, behaviour, housing, diet, breeding, health, showing and
hybrids and trouble-shooting. The full color true to size egg
identification chart is most useful. A highly regarded international
reference. |
Complete Pet Bird Owners Handbook (revised edition)
Author: Dr.
Gary A. Gallerstein
441 pages ISBN: 0968706258
Covers all
aspects of pet bird ownership, including selection, nutrition,
behavior, home physicals, emergency medical care, preventative
medicine, and much more. Presented in seventeen chapters, this book
provides guidance on getting started, achieving optimum health, and
understanding what your bird needs from you for a happy, healthy life.
Includes an index of health and illness signs, general index,
bibliography of additional resources, and superb photos and
illustrations to support the detailed text. You will consider this
book to be the most essential reference in your avian library, a
constant source of reliable advice, assistance, and assurance for your
bird's well-being. |
Complete Book of Australian Finches
A.J. Mobbs
114 pages ISBN: 0793802954
fact-filled finch book covers everything you need to know about finch
ailments and disease, birdrooms and cages, nutrition and feeding,
mating, breeding, purchasing, and more. |
The New
Softbill Handbook
103 pages ISBN: 812040759
about the identification, care, feeding, illness, behavior, and
breeding of Timaliidae (babblers), Muscicapidae (flycatchers),
Zosteropidae (white-eyes), Chloropseidae (leafbirds), Pycnonotidae
(bulbuls), Sturnidae (starlings and mynahs), Thraupidae (tanagers),
and Ramphastidae (toucans). |
Parrotlet Handbook
Matthew Vriends
198 pages ISBN: 0764109626
information you need to raise healthy parrotlets and other miniature
parrots. Solid advice and fascinating insights tell you all you need
to know about purchase, caging, nutrition, training, healthcare, and
much more.
This 56
page, soft cover new title from ABK Publications' most
prolific author, Dr Danny Brown, is truly a 'little gem' of a book.
This easy-to-read reference has been produced to provide basic
training in microscope use and pathogen identification for those
aviculturists and herpetologists with the desire to take control of
the potential health problems in their collections. It will also
improve their management procedures and support in responsible
medication practices by using a more scientific and educated approach.
This title will also become a necessary and useful reference for all
veterinarians and veterinary students and is the ideal companion to Dr
Mike Cannon's A Guide to Basic Health and Disease in Birds
Click here to view contents and sample pages
Pionus Parrots
Author: Rosemary Low
78 pages ISBN: 80 7322 005 9
The Pionus are a group of seven small to medium-sized parrots from
South and Central America, including such avicultural favourites as
the Blue-headed and Maximilian’s Parrot. This is the first popularly
priced book on these birds to be published.
Writing from personal experience of every species, Rosemary Low covers
all aspects of their care and breeding. The chapters describe Care and
Housing, Diet and Nutrition, Breeding, Pets, Health Care and Life in
the Wild. These are followed by species profiles, with information
under the headings of Distinguishing Features, Immature Plumage,
Aviculture and Countries of Origin. A distribution map is shown for
each species.
Only information totally relevant to Pionus is found within these
pages, based on the author’s experience and that of other breeders and
pet keepers. All but one of the excellent photographs were taken by
the author, mostly of birds in her care and of their young. Rosemary
Low started to keep Pionus in the late 1960s and has always had a
great interest in this group of parrots, known for their wide range of
plumage colors.