Formula Plus
(30g, 90g, 300g.)

Formula Plus is designed to be added to other companies' proprietary, "complete" products.  Formula Plus does not duplicate key nutrients such as vitamin A and D3. Although minimal, there is a risk of overdosing these vitamins so they are NOT included in Formula Plus. If you wish to have advice on using Formula Plus in "home made" rearing foods please contact The Birdcare Company.

Formula Plus contains the following unique ingredients that are very unlikely to be included in your existing product:

Flourish herbal extracts: immune support, anti-coccidial, prebiotic (supporting beneficial bacteria)
White cell support system: for rapid deployment of the body's attack cells against invading germs
Live yeast probiotics: removal of pathogens from the gut and immune support
Insoluble fibre: maximising digestive function and prebiotic
Maxima bio-available sulphur: for disease control and rapid feather growth
Omega 3 fatty acids and organic acids: for better development of the rapidly growing chick
Rapisorb bio-available minerals : for maximum uptake of vital trace nutrients

It also contains extra quantities of nutrients that are included in some, but not all, proprietary formulas

Limiting amino acids: for stress free production of new feathers; works in conjunction with Maxima
BioPlus probiotic/prebiotic blend: for excellent gut health and performance
Essentials multi-vitamins (except A & D) : for energy and vitality
CalciBoost bio-available calcium: for strong bone, nerve and muscle development
ProBoost protein: incorporated to maintain the balance of the formula